God’s Word acknowledges that, “He resists the proud.” Another word for pride is conceit, arrogance, egotism or words that begin with self. Examples of words that begin with self are words like self-importance, self-respect, high self-esteem, and self-satisfaction. Pride is the love of self. It exalts your skills, accomplishments, title, and possessions. It’s considered the root of grievous sin that is more easily to see in others than in your own life. It is a heart condition because it produces a change in the attitude of your heart.
Daniel 5:20-21(NIV) states, “But when his heart became arrogant and hardened with pride, he was deposed from his royal throne and stripped of his glory. He was driven away from people and given the mind of an animal; he lived with the wild donkeys and ate grass like cattle; and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven, until he acknowledged that the Most High God is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and sets over them anyone he wishes.” Pride needs to be taken out of your life immediately because it will cause destruction. Be tenacious in getting pride out of your life.
Conceitedness, boasting, over confidence, and high-mindedness are some of the behaviors that contradicts the Word and causes hindrance in your life. Once you participate in these behaviors, it will cause you to have a negative attitude regarding the worth or ability of others and cause you to disrespect them. If you don’t know if this behavior is part of your life, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal pride in your life. Once revealed, you must ask for forgiveness and change your evil ways. Proverbs 28:13(NIV) states, “He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” To have a successful righteous life, you must start to walk in humility.
Does your pride blind you?
Check each behavior below that relates to you.
The next step is to work on changing your problem area/s by clicking the Pride Prayer and then signing the Contract.
Pride Tools for Success
Pride Prayer
Directions for the Pride Prayer:
I have just taken the Pride Test and I feel that I’m ready to get started with changing my pride behavior.
Click here to see the Pride Prayer.
Pride Contract
Directions for the Pride Contract:
I have just prayed and I'm ready to make a commitment to change my prideful ways. Click here to see the Pride Contract.
Pride Achievement
Directions for the Pride Achievement:
I have prayed and made a commitment it’s now time for me to track my success this month. Click here to see the Pride Achievement Form.
Pride Bible Verses
I feel that I’m ready to get started with reading and adding Bible verses in my prayer time relating to this behavior. Click here to view some pride Bible verses.